Saturday, August 11, 2007


When I got off work this afternoon, I went out back to check up on my little garden. The plants seemed like the needed some water so I went over to one of the rain buckets we have placed under the roof. In one of the buckets there was this huge dead centipede. I have seen a couple of centipedes before but nothing like this one. I ended up taking it out and took a closer look at it. It was scary looking and knowing that it has a painful, venomous bite that could leave a welt the size of a baseball, I really did not want to cross paths with these nasty critters. .... I was sleeping and thought my alarm on my phone was going off. I got up and grabbed my phone and realized it was someone calling my from back home with a 410 number. It was 5:45 in the morning. I called them back only to find that they had just dialed the wrong number (thanks!). I set my phone back down and laid down in bed. I then heard this pitter-patter sound next to my head. I turned around to find a huge centipede on my pillow!!! I immediately jumped up and tried to kill it with my other pillow but it was too fast and got between the bed and the wall. Now I cannot sleep and is why I am writing this entry at 6am.

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